Gift from the heart..

Anyone can shop online or hit their favorite stores and it is okay to buy momentos for those we love. Truth be told these gifts get their wear & tear but actions speak louder than material gifts. A gift from the heart, meaning more of an action than something with a price tag is the […]

My cute little blog gets nominated for ‘Curvy blog of the year 2012’..YAY..

Well I am so happy. It is a huge nomination and I do not share it alone. There are close to hundreds of other curvy blogs nominated. We seek VOTES to win and it has become my mission to give this my very best. I am so proud of the Curvy Community. Ten years ago […]

8 Days with Hurrican Sandy

Sandy, Sandy, & some more Sandy. That is all we heard a few days before she hit us. The news was right this time around we were going to get hit, hard and New Jersey & New York City just weren’t ready. I did what everyone else did, prepare. We went food shopping and figured […]

Hurricane Sandy made the news and so did I…The Jersey Journal feature!

Hot off the PRESS! I am very honored to have made the edition of The famous Jersey Journal Newspaper. It is a paper I enjoy reading and have read for over 25 years. Most important I am being celebrated as a positive ‘Role Model’ for the Plus Size Community and our Youth plus or not. […]

A great year to be 40…

I just don’t get it, the worries, the upset on aging. Given we all know that we are aging minute by minute. This does not mean in any way that we won’t give it a fight. A lot of our aging is based on our healthy mind and how we perceive our beauty. Wrinkles should […]