Gift from the heart..

Real Gift

Anyone can shop online or hit their favorite stores and it is okay to buy momentos for those we love. Truth be told these gifts get their wear & tear but actions speak louder than material gifts. A gift from the heart, meaning more of an action than something with a price tag is the most beautiful gift.

It could be calling up that old friend you miss & have become distant with. Put your pride aside and make plans for some good gossip & coffee. Life is too short to hold on to bitter poison. Because that is the best way to define it.

Join a soup kitchen, look through your closet and donate those clothes you don’t wear anymore. There are so many needy folk, and homeless victims. A warm used coat works wonders on someone who cannot afford to buy one and lives on the streets.

I love shopping for those I love, my family, friends, & co-workers. For the last three years since my mom has been so ill she lives at a hospital it has made me re-think of the importance of ‘Companionship’. I do not take nothing for granted anymore.

This year my gifts have been spending time with an old dear friend of mine who right now in her life is very lonely. We have spent some great dinners filled with laughter, sweet wine, & great conversation. I have donated my time to a class of 2nd graders at my daughter’s school and read to them. Read some fun Christmas stories, created cards for them and baked cookies.

Spending time with my oldest son, Anthony Jude who is 20 has also been something new. I am so busy with the other three younger children, my job, my modeling & writing, hubby, the house, my sick mother. We now have ‘movie’ Fridays, he takes me out to the local mall, we eat and watch a movie and get to talk about it all!

Take the time to make someone smile, share a hug, write a ‘love’ letter. Adopt a pet from a shelter. If you feel someone has done a good job, let them know it. This gift of love will keep giving. Your kindness is contagious and will spread more joy to others.

Most important do not forget about you. Do something just for you. You deserve it.

Happy Holidays!!

Curvaciously Yours,
Olga Gonzalez-Ramos

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