Viviana Alvarez…Top Latina Fashionista in Miami

    Social media is everything! We get to express ourselves, show-off fashion trends and my favorite sharing ‘Selfies’ with the world. The biggest No-No is wearing something twice and taking a picture in it. I can relate to this with my life as a working Plus Size Model, Actress, Published Journalist, Latina Blogger and […]

Spending a day with Tito El Bambino, LD & JHONI at Billboards concert!

I am counting the days until this coming Wednesday. I will be working with the famous Tito El Bambino with the sweet ‘Reggaeton’ melody..heard in all of the cars cruising the streets last summer.. ” Porque mi cama huele a ti, a tu perfume de miel, a ti..”  It is an honor for my blog […]

Finally, I now introduce you to DJ LOS…

Many of you all, friends & fans know him by face, he is always near me, with me, supporting me. That is what ‘real’ friends do for each other. I just had to share him with you all. Since he is in the lime-light, let’s hope he doesn’t forget about me when he gets even […]

‘Official’ blogger for QFD’s @The Presidential Inaugural Fashion Gala

‘ Curvaciously Yours ‘ is heading to Washington this weekend! I remain positive, work hard and I am living amazing moments in my life, in my career. Just got the phone call from Ms. Qristyl Frazier this morning and we are attending The Presidential Inaugural Fashion Gala. I have been asked to be the ‘official’ […]

Full, Fit & Fabulous a MUST attend conference!

Curvaciously Yours was asked to cover this event and we gladly accepted. I have been a big fan of Rochelle Rice for years and enjoy seeing her do what she loves best, sharing her ‘Movement’ theories with her followers. The event catered to a full-house and it was pleasing to see both full-figured women and […]