Viviana Alvarez…Top Latina Fashionista in Miami

    Social media is everything! We get to express ourselves, show-off fashion trends and my favorite sharing ‘Selfies’ with the world. The biggest No-No is wearing something twice and taking a picture in it. I can relate to this with my life as a working Plus Size Model, Actress, Published Journalist, Latina Blogger and […]

Attending ‘Prince’ concert sadly crossed off my Bucket-list

I always thought I was going to see ‘Prince’ perform Live. It has been a dream of mine for over 30 years. And when the concept of having a ‘Bucket List’ became popular I placed him on my Top five. Today I sadly cross that off my list. My beautiful ‘Prince’ died today. The world […]

New Latin artist Yamir Gorritz taking over Miami!!!

BET’s Music Matters & new rising artist ‘Austin Brown’

BET does it again. They search and support talents to bring new life to the Urban entertaining world. So many great artists have been a part of this event. Tonight’s showcase was excellent. Saw so many new artist that are taking the music industry by its horns, and have dominated it! I loved, loved the performance of […]

‘Red Hook Summer’ a Spike Lee film ‘Premiere’ Party with Spike Lee!

On Monday the 6th of August, my sweet little blog ‘Curvaciously Yours’ got the very private invite to attend the movie premiere party of the newest Spike Lee film, ‘ Red Hook Summer’. I got the chance to meet Mr. Spike Lee himself and his lovely family. The CAST of this film was brilliant & […]